Tips for Seeing a Chiropractor after a Slip and Fall Accident

Slipping and falling can be both scary and painful. Even if you manage not to suffer any serious injuries like broken bones, you may find yourself very sore the next day. In situations like this, it can be helpful to see a chiropractor. They can adjust your spine, which may have become misaligned when you fell, and also administer other safe, natural treatments. Here are some tips to follow should you choose to see a chiropractor after a slip and fall injury.

Say “Yes” if Offered X-Rays.

Not all chiropractors offer x-rays. If yours does, and if they offer to take x-rays of your back and limbs, take them up on the offer. Even if you think you didn't break anything in the fall, it can't hurt to check. Minor fractures are not always as painful as you'd assume. An x-ray can also tell the chiropractor more about the position of your vertebrae, which can help them adjust your spine more effectively.

Tell the Chiropractor What Happened.

Tell the chiropractor why you're there. Give them as many details as the fall as you can remember. For example, if you fell on your left side and caught yourself with your arm, tell them that. If they know how you landed, they'll have a better idea of where your spine might be out of line, which should enable them to adjust you more effectively. This also gives them an idea of where you'll be most sore so they can be gentle if they have to touch those areas.

Ask about Follow-up Care.

In some cases, you may only need one adjustment to get you "back in action." In other cases, the chiropractor may want to see you a few more times for follow-up care. Ask when it's best to schedule these appointments. Should you wait a week or longer? Is there anything you should do between sessions to speed up your healing?

Get a Copy of Your Bill.

Make sure you get an itemized copy of your bill from the chiropractor. If you end up suing the owner of the building or property where you slipped and fell, you can include the cost of this treatment in your claim.

With the tips above, you should have a better experience when seeking chiropractic care after a slip and fall accident. This is something that most chiropractors are used to dealing with regularly and will be glad to assist you with.
